
Winning Instagram Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Tech Business

Winning Instagram Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Tech Business

By matt

Instagram isn’t generally the first social media platform that comes to mind for a tech business owner to promote their site. But this visually based online community has a lot to offer small businesses, including those in the technology realm.

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Effectively Use Facebook to Promote Your IT Business & Drive More Engagement

By matt

Social media has definitely changed the way that businesses market and advertise themselves in the 21st century. To successfully market your business, you have to be where the people people are, and Facebook is where over 2.41 billion monthly active users hang out. While many […]

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How to Write Awesome Content for Your IT Business that Search Engines (and Your Readers) Will Love

By matt

When you’re writing content for your IT business website, you’re really writing for two distinct audiences. One is your customers and potential customers and the other one is for Google and other search engines. It can be tricky to balance keyword-optimized pages and content that’s […]

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Maximizing LinkedIn for Your Tech Business

How Can I Use LinkedIn to Maximize My Tech Business Opportunities?

By matt

LinkedIn is one of those social media platforms that not all small businesses use or utilize effectively. But, with over 630 million members, this social network has a treasure trove of lead generation opportunities if you know how to use it. This social platform for […]

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Maximize Your Social Media Posts to Increase Leads for Your Tech Business

Maximize Your Social Media Posts to Increase Leads for Your Tech Business

By matt

Do you think that you don’t have enough followers on Facebook or LinkedIn to pay much attention to your social media posting? That’s like thinking you don’t have enough customers coming into your tech business to bother with marketing. Social media has become a key […]

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11 Expert Tips for MSP Newsletters that Engage

By matt

One of the most powerful tools that any small business can have in their arsenal is their email newsletter. While some MSP owners may look at their newsletter as just “one more thing” they have to do, if you do it right, it can be […]

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Write Captivating Headlines for Your IT Business Blog

Write Captivating Headlines that Drive Clicks & Leads to Your IT Business Blog

By matt

What makes some headlines stand out more than others in Google search results? There can be five articles that come up about the same subject, but the right headline will draw most of the clicks. There are a few tricks to grabbing the reader’s attention […]

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Blog Posts are the Bedrock of Your Tech Business Marketing (Learn 11 Reasons Why)

By matt

Blogs first came on the scene back in 1994 through a site called It wasn’t until 1999 before “weblog” was shortened to just “blog” and it became part of the lexicon of the new digital age. Blogs started as a type of online diary, […]

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IT Business SEO

The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your IT Business Blog’s SEO Power

By matt

For most IT business sites, the main goal of a blog is to drive traffic that can turn into leads and customers. In order to do this effectively, you need your blog to be found when people are searching online for the types of products […]

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What Is the Ideal Post Length for Your IT Business Blog?

By matt

Blogs are one of the best ways to get new eyes on your IT business website, they help your SEO, give you content for other uses (like social media posts), and encourage visitors to keep coming back to your website. So, of course you want […]

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